Project Based Learning, Even Now

Years ago, I faced a dilemma in my classroom. As a teacher, I had embraced my district’s move toward project based learning (PBL) with curiosity and optimism. It only took a few projects with my middle schoolers to see that the relevance of PBL resonated with them. We consulted community experts, dabbled in new technology, and threw ourselves into creative projects that leveraged collaboration. Their engagement soared. When it came to projects, we dazzled.  However, when it came to mastering language arts standards, we fizzled. 

You brought the world to my classroom: an open letter of thanks

I never got around to thank you cards; we couldn’t safely pass them around the classroom to sign. So I want the people I’m thanking to see the rest of the names on this list, and know that they are in supreme company. For other readers, I want you to give these folks a high five or buy their books or support their businesses. These people represent the best of giving simply because they could.